Car accidents can be frightening and traumatic events, often resulting in various injuries. Among the most common injuries sustained in rear-end collisions are those to the neck and back. These injuries can have lasting effects on a person's overall well-being. You...
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130 Years Of Combined Experience
Car Accidents
What types of cars are most accident-prone?
When it comes to automobile wrecks, not all vehicles are equal. Some are more likely to be in collisions than others. The reasons why certain types tend to create trouble are wide and varied. Understanding which ones have the highest odds of causing a crackup should...
Delayed symptoms of a TBI after a car accident
Car accidents are a traumatizing experience for anyone who goes through them. Not only do they cause physical harm to your vehicle, but most importantly, car accidents risk your health. Some car accidents are much worse than others, and many people sustain severe...
What if your car accident was partly your fault?
A car accident can leave you with significant medical expenses. If another driver is at fault, you may be able to receive compensation. However, if you believe your own actions contributed to the accident, things can be more complicated. In such a case, you might have...
Potential recoverable damages from a car accident lawsuit
In the fallout from a severe car accident, victims are often left with significant financial losses in addition to physical and emotional injuries. Georgia is an at-fault state, which means that victims of negligent drivers have the right to file a lawsuit seeking...
A front-seat collapse may be deadly to young passengers
When you transport your children, you always strap them into car seats that are appropriate for their heights and weights. You also probably place your children's car seats in the back of your vehicle, as safety professionals have recommended for decades. While the...
Mistakes to avoid after a car accident
Getting into a car accident can be very stressful and traumatic, but there are certain things that you need to do once you get into a car accident. Forgetting to do these things can negatively affect you in the long run. Here is a list of mistakes to avoid after...
Car accidents: what victims should right after them
Many car accidents in Georgia lead to insurance claims, and these proceedings can go more or less smoothly depending on what steps the victims took immediately after the crash. The following are just a few of those steps that victims could take, provided that their...
Vital steps for car accident victims to take
If you were involved in a car accident in Georgia, you hopefully took some important steps to make the filing of a claim easier. It all starts with what steps to take immediately after the crash. One should always: • Determine if anyone was injured. • Call for an...
Advanced safety systems promising but not foolproof
Several studies by different agencies indicate that advanced safety features in motor vehicles may actually reduce the number of crashes on roads in Georgia and across the country. According to research conducted by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, for example, vehicles...