The seat belts in your car, truck or SUV are some of its more effective safety features. Indeed, according to reporting from UAB Magazine, proper seat belt usage cuts your chances of dying in a motor vehicle accident by as much as 50%. They also help to reduce your...
Georgia Attorneys With Over
130 Years Of Combined Experience
Month: August 2022
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5 mistakes to avoid when launching your small business
Starting a new business is an exciting and sometimes nerve-wracking endeavor during which you will wear many hats. Obviously, you want to make the business successful and profitable. To make the task easier, here are five common mistakes to avoid. 1. Not developing a...
Statistics show the prevalence of distracted driving
If you come across a distracted driver, they could cause a serious collision that leaves you with debilitating injuries. Unfortunately, distracted driving continues to occur far too often, and drivers lose focus for a host of reasons. Phones and other electronic...