When purchasing a new property, there is always some amount of risk. In a competitive market, you may not have a lot of time to make a decision and if you do not see the property first, you could open yourself up to problems later. If you want to mitigate the risk,...
Georgia Attorneys With Over
130 Years Of Combined Experience
Month: December 2021
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A front-seat collapse may be deadly to young passengers
When you transport your children, you always strap them into car seats that are appropriate for their heights and weights. You also probably place your children's car seats in the back of your vehicle, as safety professionals have recommended for decades. While the...
How do you know if your child’s car seat is under recall?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regularly issues safety-based recalls for defective vehicles, car-related equipment and child car seats. In fact, according to the NHTSA, it announced roughly 55 million recalls in 2020 alone. As a concerned and...