If you find yourself unable to make monthly mortgage payments on your personal or commercial property, you may have options to avoid a foreclosure. Mortgage forbearance and deferment programs allow you to temporarily pause or reduce payments. Learning the difference...
Georgia Attorneys With Over
130 Years Of Combined Experience
Year: 2023
3 frightening risks associated with defective toasters
When it comes to kitchen appliances, the toaster remains ubiquitous. Millions of households use them daily to provide a delicious breakfast for themselves and their families. Sadly, not all toasters are equal. Defects large and small can turn this seemingly harmless...
3 benefits of a thorough title search
In the dynamic realm of real estate transactions, ensuring a smooth and secure process is important. The comprehensive title search is an often overlooked yet indispensable step in this journey. This investigative process, delving into a property's history, offers a...
How does the probate process work in Georgia?
The probate process begins when an individual dies and leaves behind assets and debts. The person's executor or administrator files a petition with the appropriate probate court. Understanding probate in Georgia can inform your will and estate plan. Validation of the...
Common neck and back injuries after a rear-end collision
Car accidents can be frightening and traumatic events, often resulting in various injuries. Among the most common injuries sustained in rear-end collisions are those to the neck and back. These injuries can have lasting effects on a person's overall well-being. You...
How do businesses protect their trade secrets?
Keeping your trade secrets confidential is likely what gives your business its competitive edge. Therefore, you have every reason to make sure that your sensitive information does not leak out. While you can register a copyright or trademark with the U.S. government,...
What types of cars are most accident-prone?
When it comes to automobile wrecks, not all vehicles are equal. Some are more likely to be in collisions than others. The reasons why certain types tend to create trouble are wide and varied. Understanding which ones have the highest odds of causing a crackup should...
Breaking down municipal land use for Georgia business owners
The U.S. Small Business Association reported that as of 2022, there are over 1 million small businesses in operation in Georgia. When you dive into the world of commercial property ownership, you encounter a maze of considerations and regulations. Among the most...
Teen passengers raise accident risks for teen drivers
Georgia’s teenage drivers often enjoy the freedom and excitement of hitting the road with friends, but this practice is often dangerous. Having teen passengers in the car significantly increases the risks associated with teen driving. The more teenage passengers a...
Common reasons to contest a will
Contesting a will is a complex and often emotionally charged process that can arise when individuals, often family members or beneficiaries, believe that a will does not accurately reflect the intentions of the deceased. In the state of Georgia, several reasons exist...