The Governors Highway Safety Administration has made a preliminary study of traffic deaths in 2019. One area it focused on was pedestrian fatalities. Their numbers, Georgia residents should be aware, were consistently declining for two decades prior to 2009, after...
Georgia Attorneys With Over
130 Years Of Combined Experience
Year: 2020
Common and solemn form probate
When some in Georgia dies, their property does not automatically pass to their beneficiaries. Whether or not they have a will, their estate must pass through probate. There is a technical process that follows that requires adherence to all of the details and...
How to keep teen drivers safe during 100 deadliest days
For every mile traveled, drivers aged 16 and 17 run triple the risk for a fatal crash than adults. Teens are naturally more prone to be negligent and even reckless when behind the wheel, and this comes out especially during the summer. In fact, the period between...
Tips for obtaining zoning permits
Zoning laws in Georgia and throughout the country help to determine where and how a commercial property can be used. In some cases, a building owner may want to use the property in a manner that violates a local zoning ordinance. However, it may be possible to obtain...
Probate litigation and identifying interested parties
If someone contests a will in Georgia, it's important to determine who all the interested parties are. This includes but is not limited to the people named in the will. In general, interested parties include all family members of the decedent. Furthermore, if there is...
The importance of zoning variances for businesses
People who want to open businesses might need to get zoning variances if their chosen locations are not zoned for the types of companies that they want to operate. To get a zoning variance in Georgia, people will need to make a request to the zoning board and present...
Dealing with encroachments on property
In Georgia, some homeowners have to deal with encroachments on their property. Encroachments occur when a structure is built that crosses onto the property of someone else. When a neighbor builds a structure that extends into the another person's property, the...
Highest fatal crash rates are among sports cars, subcompacts has conducted a study of model year 2013-2017 vehicles and the rate at which they are involved in fatal accidents. Using data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, the automotive research firm found that sports cars and subcompacts were especially...
Where do your money and possessions go when you die?
If you do not have a will or other plan (like a living trust) for when you pass away, people may have told you that you should. They are right. Of course, it often makes things easier for those left behind, but it can give you a lot of peace and clarity that could...
3 Common mistakes to avoid after a car accident
No one expects they’ll be in a car wreck when they start their day, but auto accidents aren’t a rare occurrence. In fact, an estimated six million car accidents happen in the U.S. each year. The shock of a collision can rattle even the most composed of drivers. But...