Sams, Larkin & Huff, LLP

Georgia Attorneys With Over
130 Years Of Combined Experience

Fair settlement may involve holding insurer’s feet to the fire

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2015 | Car Accidents |

There are certain things that are just true even if we don’t want to believe them. Anyone who deals with the media on a regular basis knows, or at least should, that news reporters are not anyone’s friends.

They may present themselves as being the only ones interested in making sure your story gets told, but a media-savvy person will know that they are simply looking for a story, so it pays to be careful what you say. Major corporations and politicians turn to public relations experts for just that reason. They know they have to be careful what they say so they get trained on how to manage their messaging.

The same holds true in some ways for insurance adjusters. They may enter the picture wearing the mantle of care and concern drivers in Georgia have been taught to expect from their insurers. As one company’s marketing is noted for proclaiming — we’re there, like a good neighbor. 

But the reality is that the main interests of insurance companies are in selling as many policies as they can and paying out as little money on claims as possible. They make money by investing revenue, limiting claims and keeping stockholders happy.

So when you are involved in an accident and the time comes for you to seek compensation for the physical, emotional and financial damages that you and your family suffer, you should not be surprised if all the insurance companies involved look to settle fast.

The sum offered might seem adequate, but right after an accident is too soon to know if the amount put forward is all you will need to keep you and your family secure while you get the care and time needed to achieve the greatest level of recovery.

To be confident your interests are truly represented, it’s important to consult an experienced attorney before accepting any settlement. To learn more, visit our car accidents page.

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